Sunday, August 16, 2020

Short notes on - Laminar Air Flow

 Short notes on - Laminar Air Flow

What is laminar air flow unit?

Laminar airflow is defined as air moving at the same speed and in the same direction,  By contrast, turbulent flow creates swirls and eddies that deposit particles on surfaces randomly and unpredictably.

                   A laminar flow cabinet or tissue culture hood is a carefully enclosed bench designed to prevent contamination of semiconductor wafers, biological samples, or any particle sensitive materials. 

                    Laminar airflow is defined as air moving at the same speed and in the same direction, with no or minimal cross-over of air streams (or “lamina”). By contrast, turbulent flow creates swirls and eddies that deposit particles on surfaces randomly and unpredictably.

Who invented Laminar Air flow?

Willis Whitfield

When Willis Whitfield invented the modern-day cleanroom 50 years ago, researchers and industrialists did not believe it at first. But within a few short years, US$50bn worth of laminar-flow cleanrooms were being built worldwide and the invention is used in hospitals, laboratories and manufacturing plants today.

What is the use of laminar air flow?

The process of laminar air flow can be described as airflow where an entire body of air flows with steady,in the laboratory, Laminar Flow Cabinets are commonly used for specialised work.Laminar airflow is used to separate volumes of air, or prevent airborne contaminants from entering an area. Laminar flow hoods are used to exclude contaminants from sensitive processes in science, electronics and medicine.



What is the principle of laminar flow?

laminar flow towards the user. Due to the direction of air flow, Air is drawn through a HEPA filter and blown in a very smooth, laminar flow towards the users.

How do you get laminar air flow?

In a vertical clean bench,laminar air is then projected vertically over the work area's..

 In these instances, HEPA-filtered air mixes with and dilutes interior airborne contaminants inside the glove box. 

What is the function of laminar air flow?
The process of laminar air flow can be described as airflow where an entire body of air flows with steady, uniform velocity. Laminar Flow Cabinets work by the use of in-flow laminar air drawn through one or more HEPA filters, designed to create a particle-free working environment and provide product protection.

What is laminar air flow in microbiology?

Laminar Hood sometimes also known as Laminar Air Flow is an enclosed bench designed to prevent contaminations .

Laminar Air Flow are equipped with a UV lamp that should be turned on about 10-20 minutes before being used to sterilize the shell or cabinet or the surface of the Laminar Air Flow to avoid any kind of contaminations.

What is HEPA filter in laminar air flow?

In a laminar flow hood the air is passed through a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulates Air) filter which removes all airborne contamination to maintain sterile conditions

Procedure of Laminar air flow.?

Turn on the switch of UV light; leave the UV on for at least 30 minutes.

Turn OFF the UV light.

Turn ON the switch of visible light.

Turn ON the switch of Air Flow.

What is laminar flow in OT?

This is re-circulated under positive pressure into the operating theatre with surgically generated contaminants being continuously removed .

True laminar flow is only achieved when approximately 100% HEPA filter coverage occurs. 

in theatre more than 300 times per hour compared to standard positive pressure theatre rates of 15-25 air changes per hour. 

How does a laminar flow work? 

In fluid dynamics, laminar flow is characterized by fluid particles following smooth paths in layers.

There are no cross-currents perpendicular to the direction of flow, nor eddies or swirls of fluids.

Laminar flow is a flow regime characterized by high momentum diffusion and low momentum convection.

Laminar flow barriers :

Laminar flow hoods are used to exclude contaminants from sensitive processes in science, electronics and medicine.

Laminar flow cabinet :

Air is drawn through a HEPA filter and blown in a very smooth, laminar flow towards the user.

A laminar flow cabinet or tissue culture hoodis a carefully enclosed bench designed to prevent contamination of semiconductor wafers,

Cleaning procedure of laminar air flow:

Cleaning a Vertical Laminar Flow Hood

Begin by taking the wipe and spraying disinfectant onto the wipe. 

After Cleaning :

Some laminar airflow hoods may have UV-C Germicidal Lamps for sterilization. 

Always remember to wash your hands afterward.

When cleaning is complete, dispose of wipes, gloves, and gown in the biohazard waste.

Why is laminar flow important?

It is the smooth flow of a fluid over a surface. Though a boundary layer of air "sticks" to a wing, the air overtop should be moving quickly and smoothly to reduce friction drag. Engineers want to design aircraft with laminar flow over their wings to make them more aerodynamic and efficient.


If you have any query about laminar air flow or doubts then ask in comment box we will help you as soon as possible. 

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